You are unsure if the cooling duration of COOL*SAFE cool bags will be long enough for your purposes?
In order to be sure if the cooling duration is sufficient during your long journey, please calculate how long the total travel time will be.
The travel time starts with packing the cool bag with your medicine and lasts until you arrive at your destination and put the medicine into the fridge.
If you are travelling by plane, please consider:
- the journey times to the airport
- the waiting time at the airport (for intercontinental flights this is often more than 2 hours)
- the length of the flight(s)
- a possible delay, especially with intermediate stops
- when you arrive at the airport, the time from getting off the plane up to picking up your luggage and the customs check
- the pickup of the rental car (Does the rental car have air conditioning?)
- drive from the airport to the hotel
The buffer should allow for flight delays, extended check-in times at the airport or time while picking up the rental car or traffic jams on roads, etc.
Please also try to estimate what the ambient temperatures will be like during each of the above-mentioned different travel sections and add a buffer as a precaution.
Afterward, check if the cooling duration will be sufficient. You can find the different cooling durations for the COOL*SAFE models here.
To make this calculation easier, we created a table for you in which you can enter and calculate the stages of your trip and the cooling durations here.
If you need to extend the cooling duration, follow the instructions in the section below: “I CLICK HERE IF I NEED TO EXTEND THE COOLING DURATION”.